Jorge Chávez
Chief Editor

A fan of docuseries and a food lover who is always in search of coexisting with Mother Nature.


OPC Will Celebrate its 7th Anniversary in Puerto Vallarta

By  Jorge Chávez
May. 12, 2021

On May 28th, 2021, the Oficina de Proyectos Culturales (OPC) will celebrate seven years contributing to the development of culture in Puerto Vallarta.

Founded in 2014, OPC is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to hosting world-class contemporary art exhibitions, as well as different cultural events.

Its first exhibition was “Paraíso en Proceso” (“Paradise in Process”), by artist Davis Birks. Since then, more than 25 exhibitions have been carried out and many of them have been taken to other museums in Mexico and United States.

In addition, it maintains a free program of art workshops for children and cultural events such as poetry readings, concerts, film screenings and workshops, as well as lectures by artists, curators, architects, writers, and personalities from the art world.

Many of these events take place in the Taller OPC, a free space open to the public to work, read or study, which is equipped with air conditioning, Wi-Fi and a library specialized in art, poetry and architecture.

The main event of this celebration will take place, precisely, on May 28th, 2021 at 7:00pm with an anniversary party in its garden. During this celebration, an auction of Vallarta art and a raffle of products and services will be held with the aim of raising funds, so the OPC can continue to provide cultural services for free, both residents and visitors interested in get to know the local art, history and identity. Music will be presented by Laboratorio Sensorial and Bar Solar will offer cocktails and drinks.

On the other hand, the memberships program continues, so public can be part of the OPC and enjoy different benefits. More information can be found at oficinacultural.org/memberships.

Visit the Oficina de Proyectos Culturales social networks.


Jorge Chávez
Chief Editor

A fan of docuseries and a food lover who is always in search of coexisting with Mother Nature.

