Danya Soto

Music lover, an enthusiast of dark beer and the art. Field of view: 50 mm. Shy but with a high probability of thunderstorms.


Essentials of Our Destination: Huichol Crafts

By  Danya Soto
Jun. 11, 2021

Huichol crafts are one of the most representative of Mexican culture, and Vallarta · Nayarit is the cradle of these pieces characterized by vibrant colors and unique shapes to convey part of the cosmogony of the Wixárika people, whose members have been responsible for continuing this ancestral legacy.

Throughout our destination, these works can be found in specialized galleries and craft markets, where they are offered in different shapes and sizes. Furthermore, due to their versatility, they have served as a source of inspiration for the local fashion industry and the interior design of some prestigious resorts in our bay.

Each piece of Huichol art is painstakingly crafted with materials that include wax and beads, as well as yarn in eye-catching shades, which are used to create sacred animals and natural elements that together convey the stories and myths of this indigenous community.

The cultural offering of both Puerto Vallarta and Riviera Nayarit is enriched by preserving and promoting the fascinating Huichol art, an ancient tradition that continues today.


Danya Soto

Music lover, an enthusiast of dark beer and the art. Field of view: 50 mm. Shy but with a high probability of thunderstorms.

