Danya Soto

Music lover, an enthusiast of dark beer and the art. Field of view: 50 mm. Shy but with a high probability of thunderstorms.


Our Destination Through 5 Senses: Sculpt with Your Hands and Your Creativity

By  Danya Soto
Nov. 19, 2021

Mexico is a country of sculptors and ceramics artisans, as shown by the legacy of pre-Hispanic civilizations. A multitude of pieces, monuments and utilitarian objects represent the beginnings of these disciplines, which have important practitioners today. Molding figures in three dimensions using natural materials and a few tools is a unique process that captures all the senses. Puerto Vallarta offers several options to get involved, either recreationally or full-time.

Creating forms from clay to produce utilitarian or decorative items entails the hands coming into direct contact with the material, a particularly satisfying experience for the sense of touch.

Art studio and gallery ART VallARTa, located in the Amapas neighborhood, offers classes in ceramics and sculpture taught in English, a perfect place for visitors and foreign residents. Working with native clay and some more refined types and learning techniques such as hand modeling and throwing on the pottery wheel, participants can produce kitchen utensils, crockery, sculptures and other objects.

On the other hand, at the Instituto Vallartense de Cultura, located at the northern end of the Río Cuale Island, sculpture workshop for Spanish speakers are offered. Employing the ancestral terracotta or barro technique, students shape whatever comes out of their imagination. The pieces, which are sculpted using various techniques of molding and firing, are frequently displayed in the city’s galleries.

Both options provide the opportunity for you to express your creativity and experience a wealth of unforgettable sensations.

Danya Soto

Music lover, an enthusiast of dark beer and the art. Field of view: 50 mm. Shy but with a high probability of thunderstorms.

