Riviera Nayarit: Culture, Colors and Traditions

There is something special about Riviera Nayarit: the people, the customs, and the history. During your visit, you will have the opportunity to learn about the culture and traditions of the region first hand.
Riviera Nayarit is a multicultural, multiethnic, and multilingual destination, flavored with the lifestyle and traditions of the cultures that provide its depth and identity. Its four tribes of indigenous people (the Huicholes, Coras, Tepehuanos and Mexicaneros), still exist today and here, visitors can learn more about some of the ethnic group’s ceremonies, lifestyles, and artistic creations.
The most popular group is the Huicholes, who are distinguished by their colorful dress, embroidered manta cloth clothing, and plumed hats. They are also known for their elaborate bracelets, rings and necklaces made of crystal beads that also shape their vision of the universe.
Also known as Wixáricas—Children of the Sun—the Huicholes are truly fascinating people, each one making a moral promise to visit the five sacred places of their faith in their lifetimes, one of which is the Tatei Amara—White Rock—, found in the historic port of San Blas.
The Coras, renowned for their ceramics, live mainly in the municipality of Nayar, in the western part of the state. Their dialect is related to that of the Huicholes.
The Tepehuanos inhabit small areas in the municipality of Huajicori, and among the artistic products created by this ethnic group are yarn knapsacks, hats, clay pots, and equipales (traditional barrel chairs with a woven palm base and leather seat and back).
The Mexicaneros live among the other ethnic groups and are often dedicated to weaving reed baskets, bins, and chiquihuites (small containers with lids), as well as creating wood art pieces, ixtle nets made of maguey fibers, and yarn knapsacks.
The culture and traditions of the people of the Riviera Nayarit deliver an authentic flavor and unique component to the very special experience here that will endear you to the destination.