14th Offshore Fishing Tournament in Sayulita

Estefanía Montes
May. 24, 2019

On May 25th and 26th 2019, fans of this sport would be able to participate in the 14th Offshore Fishing Tournament in Sayulita.

This time, Sayulita’s Malpaso Beach will be the official location of this catch and release Offshore Fishing Tournament, that, every year, is organized by the Surf Fishing Nayarit Association, and which main purpose is to promote the responsible and sustainable fishing, and the beaches preservation.

On May the 25th 2019, participants would be able to go to the beach for a practice session at 4:00pm. The competition will take place on May the 26th 2019 at 6:00am.

This year the competition would be focused on 10 species: sea bass, croaker fish, sawfish, mero fish, bull fish, roosterfish, skipjack fish, dorado fish and sting fish. The first five species must have a minimum weight of 2.3 pounds (1 kg) and the other five a minimum weight of 4.6 pounds (2 kg).

Mario Alberto Real Bernal, president of the Surf Fishing Nayarit Association, informed that this contest will be open for public of all ages and genders, even children will be able to participate, all with the intension to create a family event.

For more information and prices, visit the Official Facebook.
