2023 Wind Festival in Bucerías Announced

Jorge Chávez
Apr. 27, 2023

Riviera Nayarit, one of the most popular beach destinations in Mexico, will host the 2023 Wind Festival, which will take place from May 11th to 14th in Bucerías, Nayarit.

For water sports, this micro-destination offers exceptional climatic conditions, including strong and constant winds, long waves and a 540-meter-long beach, making it the perfect setting for high-level competitions.

The Wind Festival aims to improve the quality of water sports in our country and promote Riviera Nayarit as the perfect place to practice them.

The event sponsors the International Kiteboarding Championship and will feature six competitions in different kiteboarding modalities:

  • Downwind
  • Long Distance
  • Big Air Foil and Twintip
  • Slalom
  • Freestyle Pro
  • Freestyle Old School

The Wind Festival is the largest kiteboarding sporting event in the Americas and with the largest number of participants.

Visit the Wind Festival social networks for more details.
