8th Edition of the Ceviche and Aguachile Fest in Puerto Vallarta

Estefanía Montes
Jul. 23, 2019

This Sunday July 28th of 2019, you will be able to enjoy the 8th edition of the Ceviche and Aguachile Fest, which will take place at the Lázaro Cárdenas square.

During this eighth edition, you will be able to try more than 30 different types of ceviche and aguachile, where recognized local restaurants will present their unique and new recipesin a culinary celebration ideal for this summer.

To complete the experience a variety of drinks such as flavored water, cocktails and craft beer will be available. And for dessert, a delicious homemade sherbet.

This event will start at 1:00pm, it will be open for the public and will offer special prices.

To learn more about the 8th Ceviche and Aguachile Fest in Puerto Vallarta, click here.

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