Cuale River Bridge Reopens

Currently, more than 120 million pesos are invested in different infrastructure works around Puerto Vallarta. During the last week, the Cuale River bridge, knocked down by the passage of Hurricane Nora in 2021, was opened to the traffic.
Enrique Alfaro, governor of Jalisco, attended the opening ceremony and he mentioned this work had a cost of 60 million pesos.
“To be able not only to rebuild this bridge, but to make it better than it was, as well as to be able to articulate the surrounding commercial activity, were the main objectives achieved with this infrastructure work,” Alfaro mentioned.
With this new bridge, people will be able to walk calmly, without no worrying about the passage of cars and, before the rainy season, more tasks will be carried out to reinforce this work, as well as redirect the river and reinforce the municipal market.