Discover the Magic of the Sierra del Nayar: A Hidden Treasure Near Puerto Vallarta

Jorge Chávez
Jun. 13, 2024

Imagine a corner of the world where nature unfolds in all its splendor, a hidden gem just a few kilometers from Puerto Vallarta: the Sierra del Nayar. With its lush vegetation and stunning landscapes, this sanctuary stands as a must-visit destination for adventurers.

This mountainous paradise is home to the indigenous Huichol and Cora communities, who proudly preserve their traditions and culture. Here, natural beauty merges with cultural richness in a serene setting.

For nature lovers, the sierra offers trails that wind through misty forests, hidden waterfalls, and spectacular viewpoints. Hiking and trekking become transformative experiences, surrounded by the unique biodiversity of the region. Exotic birds and local wildlife, from jaguars to deer, are a spectacle in themselves.

In the surrounding areas, local artisans offer exquisite beadwork and embroidery, perfect for bringing a piece of this mystical land home.

The distance between Puerto Vallarta and the Sierra del Nayar varies depending on the specific route and entry point to the sierra. However, the shortest road route is approximately 204 kilometers, with an estimated travel time of around 3 hours. Of course, this can vary according to traffic conditions.

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Sarah Elengorn
Elengorn Realtors

“Vallarta Lifestyles has readers from Punta de Mita to Mismaloya and beyond, so announcing my business, means the positioning and recognition of my agency throughout the region. The contents of the magazine are very interesting, because they provide relevant information about activities in the destination. I am pleased to see it at hotels, restaurants and galleries, but what excites me the most is to see people with their issue in hand. That is really relevant for us.”
Benny Ibarra
Mundo de Cristal

“Vallarta Lifestyles is a platform that allows us to reach the kind of market that we’re looking for. I think that, since its beginnings, 30 years ago, it has been the best publication of the destination. There’s no doubt that part of our success is for the advertising that we have in the magazine.”
Roberto Castellanos
Novamar Insurance Mexico

"Since we started the company we have advertised in Vallarta Lifestyles, a publication that is considered ‘Puerto Vallarta’s Magazine’ by the quality of its images, content and staff, unique characteristics that encouraged us to say: ‘We have to be in Vallarta Lifestyles’. We know that this magazine is a reference for the target market that we are looking for and we know that being there gives us prestige.”