International Sculptors Forum of Puerto Vallarta 2017 Announced

Vallarta Lifestyles
Oct. 30, 2017

The first International Sculptors Forum of Puerto Vallarta was announced last Friday during a press conference at Hotel Mousai. This international sculpture event will run for two weeks, from November 13 to 25 at the Centro Universitario de la Costa (CUCosta), turning Puerto Vallarta into a “massive sculptural workshop”. The international event is promoted by the CUCosta of the University of Guadalajara, the City Council of Puerto Vallarta, as well as several companies of the local private initiative.

During the International Sculptors Forum of Puerto Vallarta, eleven prestigious international sculptors from Germany, Egypt, Spain, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Iran, Mexico, Peru, Taiwan and Turkey, will create a large format sculptural project in Puerto Vallarta, with the assistance of a group of students of the Visual Arts Degree of the CUCosta and under the curatorship of the renowned academic and sculptor Kemal Tufan of the University of Marmara (Turkey).

At the press conference, Dr. Marco Antonio Cortés, dean of the CUCosta, commented: “With this forum, we want to offer new tourist attractions that contribute to convene a new profile of tourists, more oriented to the enjoyment of cultural, material and symbolic heritage”.

Mayor of Puerto Vallarta, Arturo Dávalos Peña, mentioned he is glad this important sculpture forum will enrich the urban, artistic and cultural heritage of the municipality.

Businessman and President of Tafer Resorts and The Villa Group, Luis Fernando Gonzalez Corona, said that thanks to the sponsorship of the private initiative, seven sculptures will be donated to some of the most popular neighborhoods of Puerto Vallarta. He even commented that “with the support of the city council, we could make a competition among the neighborhoods to see who is willing to take those sculptures home”.

The International Sculptors Forum of Puerto Vallarta 2017 will be held between November 13 and 25 at the Centro Universitario de la Costa in Puerto Vallarta. The admission is free and transport will be available for those willing to admire the live work of these prestigious sculptors of international stature.

For more information, please visit www.fie.cuc.udg.mx
