Lo de Marcos Announces Third Tianguis Season

Jorge Chávez
Oct. 5, 2016

The third season of the Tianguis Lo de Marcos open-air market has been announced and is set to take place every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. starting November 5, and continuing thru April 8, 2017, at Luis Echeverría St. 9 in Lo de Marcos, just a few minutes north of San Pancho, in Riviera Nayarit. Over 50 artisans and producers will display a broad variety of organic products from private gardens, hand-made crafts, fresh-baked goods and home-cooked foods. There will also be a food court with a select group of providers selling an ample variety of food items that aren’t available anywhere else.

Opening day will kick off with live music from 11 am to 1 pm by the talented Caravane de San Pancho trio, featuring Nina, Humberto and Charly. There will be a 25 percent discount on all drinks at the Palm Bar.

The festivities will also include a raffle for a $1,000 MXN gift certificate to use by the winner on their next visit to the Tianguis.

“When the people involved in the Tianguis Lo de Marcos saw the samples and pictures of the articles on sale, they kept saying they wanted it all so we’re sure those attending are going to say the same thing,” said Jaqueline Castellón, Market Coordinator.

The Tianguis wants to encourage the residents, farmers and artisans to sell their products, provide the community with hard-to-find articles and offer Riviera Nayarit visitors an option to discover what’s locally available.

Take a peek at some of the products that will be available in November on their Facebook page.
