OPC Celebrates its 5th Anniversary

Estefanía Montes
May. 28, 2019

On June the 8th 2019, at 7:00pm, the Cultural Projects Office (OPC in Spanish) will celebrate its 5th anniversary with a big party full of music, food, drinks and specially, a lot of art.

The public event will take place at OPC’s headquarters (Juárez 598, Downtown), where diverse activities are prepared, such as an art auction and raffles of products and services donated by sponsors in order to raise funds to allow the OPC to continue offering free cultural and artistic events.

DJ Tellers will be in charge of the entertainment, plus food and drinks will be provided by El Arrayán, Bar Solar, Cervecería el Terrible and Uncork Mexico.

OPC is a non profit organization which main purpose is to promote the art, education and culture for visitors and residents of Puerto Vallarta. It open its doors on May the 28th 2014 with the exhibition “Paraíso en Proceso” and, since then, it has hosted more than 20 exhibitions of contemporary art, workshops, conferences and cultural and artistic events for free.

For more information visit their website.
