OPC Invites you to the Seminar “¿Esto También es Arte?”

Estefanía Montes
Jul. 23, 2019

From July 18th to August 3rd of 2019, the Office for Cultural Projects (OPC in Spanish), located in Juárez 598, El Centro; will host talks and workshops with artists specialized in different techniques and artistic contemporary disciplines, during the seminar “¿Esto También es Arte? (Is this art?)”.

The seminar will include topics such as “Conceptual Art and Installation”, “Contemporary Photography”, “Art and Environment”, “Traditional Media in Contemporary Art”, “Artist’s Book”, among others.

Besides, it will feature the presence of internationally recognized artists and graphic designers such as César Girón, Gustavo Gómez Brechtel, Javiera Pintocanles and Fernando Sánchez.  

 To learn more about prices and schedule, click here.  

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Aaron Fisher

“Without doubt, Vallarta Lifestyles is the best positioned Magazine in the region. Its solid presence keeps a strong and always fresh vision about the destination, as well as activities. Besides, I consider it a great intellectual contribution for the well written articles that are in each issue.”
Roberto Castellanos
Novamar Insurance Mexico

"Since we started the company we have advertised in Vallarta Lifestyles, a publication that is considered ‘Puerto Vallarta’s Magazine’ by the quality of its images, content and staff, unique characteristics that encouraged us to say: ‘We have to be in Vallarta Lifestyles’. We know that this magazine is a reference for the target market that we are looking for and we know that being there gives us prestige.”
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Faith Colectiva

“Vallarta Lifestyles has helped us a lot to position our business, the fact that people see us in the magazine has contributed their coming back to Faith Colectiva. Actually, we have measured the reach of our advertising by offering a free gift and it is unbelievable to see them coming with the issue.”