Pájaro Rojo Galería Presents the Exhibition “Déjame Soñar”
Next Wednesday, December 14th, 2022, at 6:00pm, Pájaro Rojo Galería (Leona Vicario 230, El Centro, Puerto Vallarta) will host the exhibition “Déjame Soñar”, by artist Luis Felipe de la Torre.
Leaving the established and combining personal experience in order to awaken the viewer’s interest through each artwork, is what the work of the Jalisco artist Luis Felipe de la Torre offers.
Originally from Guadalajara, Jalisco, this renowned painter creates his works in oil on canvas, as well as mixed media on canvas.
His long professional career includes more than 50 national and international group exhibitions, as well as eight solo exhibitions. He also teaches Composition (at master and diploma level) in different universities located in Mexico City, Guadalajara and Zacatecas.
Visit Pájaro Rojo Galería social networks for more information.