Puerto Vallarta Enjoys a Thriving Summer Season

Jorge Chávez
Aug. 8, 2023

Puerto Vallarta is currently enjoying an exceptional summer vacation season, surpassing expectations with weekday occupancy averages reaching nearly 80 percent and weekends witnessing over 90 percent occupancy rates.

The ongoing vacation period’s statistics have proven immensely favorable. Weekday occupancy averages have consistently ranged between 76.60 and 80.50 percent, while the past two weekends have surged to an impressive 95 percent occupancy rate.

Furthermore, there’s reason to celebrate the positive outcome in terms of visitors arriving via land transportation. According to data provided by the Central de Autobuses, last year’s vacation season saw 49,626 visitors making their way to the destination, a number that is anticipated to swell to approximately 55,000 visitors this year.

In addition, the month of August will see the ASIPONA welcoming eight international cruise ships, a factor that will further invigorate Puerto Vallarta’s bustling tourism landscape during this vacation period.

Puerto Vallarta’s allure remains unparalleled, beckoning travelers with its stunning beaches, rich cultural experiences, and vibrant local scene. The region’s thriving culinary scene, picturesque landscapes, and warm hospitality continue to be powerful magnets for vacationers seeking an unforgettable getaway.

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Roberto Castellanos
Novamar Insurance Mexico

"Since we started the company we have advertised in Vallarta Lifestyles, a publication that is considered ‘Puerto Vallarta’s Magazine’ by the quality of its images, content and staff, unique characteristics that encouraged us to say: ‘We have to be in Vallarta Lifestyles’. We know that this magazine is a reference for the target market that we are looking for and we know that being there gives us prestige.”
Christina Rathke
General manager
Faith Colectiva

“Vallarta Lifestyles has helped us a lot to position our business, the fact that people see us in the magazine has contributed their coming back to Faith Colectiva. Actually, we have measured the reach of our advertising by offering a free gift and it is unbelievable to see them coming with the issue.”
Moray Applegate
Applegate Realtors

“Vallarta Lifestyles is the number one magazine of its type in Vallarta · Nayarit. We were the first ones to advertise, because we saw it as an ideal platform to show our properties. The result? For a long time it has generated an extraordinary quantity of clients. Now in addition to that, it contributes to the positioning of our brand.”