Restaurant Week 2016 Announces Price Increase
Vallarta Lifestyles’ Restaurant Week, one of our destination’s most sought after food related festivals, will return this coming May 15 – 31, as in past events. After several years maintaining the same menu prices, the organizers have decided to implement a slight increase. Restaurant Week menus will cost $229 and $349 pesos per person this year, tips and drinks not included (a $20 and $50 peso raise, respectively).
Restaurant Week has made its mark among local and visiting foodies by keeping things simple and consistent. During the event, you can enjoy special, three-course menus offered by participating restaurants at the reduced prices mentioned above. These menus include three choices of appetizers, main courses and desserts.
With an average participation of 34 restaurants each year, the 15-day event provides an excellent opportunity for foodies to return to favorite restaurants or explore some new ones. And for restaurants interested in participating, particularly those that do so for the first time, Restaurant Week works as a “calling card,” an invitation for new dinner guests to enjoy their offerings.
For more information, please visit, where you will find details for visitors looking to enjoy the event.