Riviera Nayarit To Host 12th National Clean Beaches Convention

Jorge Chávez
Jun. 15, 2016

The 12th National Clean Beaches Convention will take place June 22-25, 2016 at the Paradise Village hotel in Nuevo Vallarta in Riviera Nayarit. Heads of several federal government offices will attend the event, along with hosts, Roberto Sandoval, Governor of Nayarit, and Bahía de Banderas’ Mayor José Gómez.

The Rivera Nayarit Conventions and Visitors Bureau’s Groups and Events office has been hard at work coordinating everything necessary to ensure the success of this important event, where the Riviera Nayarit takes the spotlight for being first in place in number of Certified Clean Beaches, as it currently boasts 10 of Mexico’s total of 33. The timing of the event couldn’t be more perfect, as the destination recently obtained the first certification as a Clean Tourism Destination for Nuevo Vallarta and last year La Cruz de Huanacaxtle’s Marina Riviera Nayarit received the first Blue Flag Award ever given to a marina, among other environmental acknowledgments.

Over one thousand expected attendees—who currently make up the 39 committees established in 17 states of Mexico divided among 64 tourism destinations—will register on Wednesday, June 22. Several workshops are scheduled to take place for attendees during the course of the event.

The grand inauguration is on June 24, when the certificates for the clean beaches and the Blue Flag will be legalized. Roberto Sandoval, Governor of Nayarit, and José Gómez, Mayor of Bahía de Banderas, are hosting the event. Discussion panels and keynote addresses will be held from that date on through Saturday, June 25.

This magnificent event will be led by Mexico’s federal government with the presence of the heads of different offices including the Ministry of Tourism (Sectur, by its acronym in Spanish), the Ministry of the Navy (Semar), the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat), the National Water Commission (Conagua), and the Environmental Division of the Federal Attorney’s Office (Profepa), among others.

There are 31 tourism destinations in Mexico with Certified Clean Beaches and 21 destinations boasting the Blue Flag award. For more information, please visit www.playaslimpias2016.com.mx/index.html.
