September Open Mic Vallarta at A Page in The Sun

Vallarta Lifestyles
Sep. 27, 2017

Open Mic Vallarta, is an artistic forum in which various local storytellers, poets and musicians celebrate their expression.

This Saturday September 30, starting at 8:00pm at the A Page in the Sun Café-Bookstore, participating artists and aficionados will hold this open to the public cultural event that is focused on the power that storytelling, poetry and music have to transform the community.

Open Mic Vallarta is led by teacher Andrew Dowdy, as well as teacher, writer, storyteller and poet Nancy Hardcastle.

If you are interested in participating or registering (space is limited) or need more information about the event, contact their Facebook page @OpenMicVallarta.or @apageinthesun.

A Page in The Sun is located in Lázaro Cárdenas 179 (Lázaro Cárdenas Park) in the Romantic Zone of Puerto Vallarta.
