The Forest Festival: A Historical and Environmental Commitment

Jorge Chávez
Jul. 16, 2024

During the month of July, the Secretariat of Environment and Territorial Development of Jalisco (SEMADET) invites participation in the Forest Festival, a celebration honoring a decree issued in 1959.

This event not only highlights the richness of our forest resources but also reaffirms the commitment to preserving and restoring its biodiversity.

Jalisco, known for its vast natural wealth, ranks as the fourth state in biodiversity nationwide. With more than four million hectares of forest land, covering 55 percent of its territory, there is a diversity of ecosystems, including deciduous and semi-deciduous forests, coniferous forests, and mangroves, among others.

SEMADET, in collaboration with the Trust for the Administration of the Forestry Development Program of the State of Jalisco (FIPRODEFO), Intermunicipal Environmental Boards (JIMA), and Protected Natural Areas (ANP) management organizations, has implemented effective strategies for the restoration, conservation, and protection of these valuable ecosystems. These efforts have enabled the restoration of degraded landscapes while conserving biodiversity and preventing deforestation.

Seventeen percent of Jalisco’s forest land is protected under conservation schemes such as Protected Natural Areas and/or Ramsar Sites. These areas are vital for preserving endemic species and priority ecosystems.

The 1959 decree was a milestone in Jalisco’s environmental history, and every July, the Forest Festival reminds us of the importance of our collective efforts.

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