The “War Against Trash” Campaign Continues with Great Work

Jorge Chávez
Jul. 4, 2023

Headed and directed by John Benus, the “War Against Trash” campaign brings together dedicated volunteers to clean up the streets of Puerto Vallarta.

Two successful cleaning campaigns have been carried out over the past two months:

On Sunday, May 7th, 2023, Puerto Vallarta’s Boys and Girls Scouts from Troop 7 gathered at the “Héroes de la Patria” Elementary School. A total of 22 volunteers began their work at 9:00am and finished at 12:30pm, collecting 42 bags of garbage from the Juan Escutia Canal.

“These 42 bags represent almost two tons of garbage that will not end up polluting the waters of Banderas Bay,” commented Benus, who added: “I would like to especially thank El Dorado and La Palapa restaurants for sponsoring the trash collectors and caps for the volunteers.”

War Against Trash

Similarly, on Thursday, June 29th, 2023, more than 50 students, teachers, and staff members from UNIVA Vallarta gathered to carry out a clean-up campaign in the streets surrounding this educational institution, collecting approximately 95 bags of garbage, including cigarette butts.

“Luis Ignacio Zúñiga, campus director; Julián Barraza, head of higher secondary education; and Ana Leticia Chávez, head of higher education, led this cleaning effort,” explained Benus, who added: “I want to give special thanks to José Luis Castellón, coordinator of Integral Development, for his support and coordination of this event.”

War Against Trash

In this way, the “War Against Trash” campaign continues its admirable work to keep the surrounding environment clean.

If you want to know the cleaning agenda or support as a sponsor, volunteer or contributor contact John Benus at 415-331-0100 US/Canada or 388-105-0786 Mexico.

Visit the “War Against Trash” social networks.
