5 Vallarta · Nayarit Surfing Spots

Jorge Chávez
May. 4, 2021

There are several surf spots in Vallarta · Nayarit, most of them in Punta de Mita area, where there are nearly a dozen offshore breaks for intermediate and advanced surfers, some best accessed by boat.

Surfing in Vallarta · Nayarit has gained a great popularity, but what makes surfing so attractive? Among other things, because the water has an excellent temperature throughout the year, as well as the impressive waves and the variety of beaches to enjoy.

Below, the Vallarta Lifestyles editorial team presents some of the best surf spots in our destination.

· Sayulita
Surfing in Sayulita is a classic and it offers excellent waves for intermediate and advanced surfers.

· El Anclote
With slow and gentle swell, this place is the quintessential beach for beginners.

· La Lancha
Due to its natural conditions, this beach is one of the most iconic places for surfing in Vallarta · Nayarit.

· Punta Burros
The natural features of its waves makes this beach an ideal spot for surfing practically at any time of the year.

· Quimixto
With rarely much competition for the waves, this micro-destination is one of the best spots in southern Banderas Bay for surfing.

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Sonora House

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