A Magical Sunset: The Bridge between the Malecón and the Romantic Zone of Puerto Vallarta

Jorge Chávez
Mar. 1, 2024

In the heart of Puerto Vallarta, where charm merges with natural majesty, rises a bridge that connects two worlds: the Malecón and the Romantic Zone. This bridge, which stands over the mouth of the Cuale River at Los Muertos Beach, not only connects geographies but also emotions and unforgettable experiences.

As the evening falls, the bridge becomes the perfect stage to witness one of nature’s most captivating spectacles: the sunset in Puerto Vallarta. With the golden sun slowly descending over the Pacific horizon, colors fade gently from deep blue to fiery orange, painting the sky with strokes of magenta and violet.

Visitors and residents gather on the bridge, hypnotized by the beauty unfolding before their eyes. The salty scent of the sea mixes with the warm breeze, while waves break softly on the shore, creating a natural symphony that accompanies the dusk.

Each sunset on the bridge is unique, a living canvas that inspires reflection and gratitude. Couples stroll hand in hand, photographers capture the golden light, and travelers pause to immortalize the moment in their memories.

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Benny Ibarra
Mundo de Cristal

“Vallarta Lifestyles is a platform that allows us to reach the kind of market that we’re looking for. I think that, since its beginnings, 30 years ago, it has been the best publication of the destination. There’s no doubt that part of our success is for the advertising that we have in the magazine.”
Carl Timothy
Timothy Real Estate Group

“We have been clients of Vallarta Lifestyles since 1999, the year in which we arrived to this destination. Back then, it was the only publication where you could really do local marketing. These days, in spite of the arrival of new technologies, we keep advertising, because it is a really important complement for our marketing strategy.”
Ulf Henriksson
Chef and partner
Vitea Oceanfront Bistro

“Since its beginnings and until today, the quality in photography and editorial design of Vallarta Lifestyles is unrivaled, because there’s nothing similar in this region of Mexico. Besides, to the foreign community that visit us, this magazine is essential if they want to know what’s new and what’s going on in our destination.”