Alfonso Peña at Galería Contempo

Estefanía Montes
Nov. 28, 2018

Next Friday, November 30th, 2018, from 6:00pm to 10:00pm, Galería Contempo will host the opening reception for the artist Alfonso Peña, who is known for creating abstract art using different mediums of oil on canvas, always influenced by his knowledge of architecture which he applies to his compositions in the form of geometric shapes and organic elements.


Visit galeriacontempo.com to know more about this event.
Or follow them at Facebook and Instagram.

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Eduardo González

“Vallarta Lifestyles is really well positioned. We are aware of that because we have seen people who arrive to our jewelry with the issue or the advertising in hand asking about the product that is featured there. This dynamic is really interesting for us and makes us glad.”
Sandra Rojas
Sonora House

“One of the biggest benefits of advertising our business in Vallarta Lifestyles is the presence of our brand aimed to the audience we are looking for. It is a reliable and professional magazine that has helped us with the marketing of our restaurant several times, through well done photography or articles. We feel that we understand each other.”
June Rosen Lopez
Galería June Rosen Lopez

“When I first opened my gallery in 1986, my relationship with Vallarta Lifestyles started for the need of people to know me and, because it is one of the very few quality publications in the destination, I decided to advertise in it. There are clients that still remember me for the magazine, with whom I have had several years of relationship.”