Ambos Galeria Announces February Show

Jorge Chávez
Feb. 3, 2016

Ambos Galeria is proud to present new work by well-known Puerto Vallarta artists Tercenez and Armando Romero, and newcomer to Vallarta, Antonio Farina, from Veracruz.  The varied and colorful show of paintings and sculpture will open Friday, March 5 from 6 to 9 p.m. during the South Side Shuffle.

Tercenez (Hector Ponce Jimenez) makes brilliant paintings that are a mixture of ancient traditions and contemporary elements translating the everyday into the mystical and playful.  The mythological creatures that inhabit his dreams interact in his paintings with mythical people, without cultural barriers and with a distinctly contemporary message.  Anonymous beings, adorned with color and texture, become his protagonists, inviting us to search for codices and signals for the stories he is telling us.  His style is fascinating and memorable.

Armando Romero, a long time artist and craftsman here in Puerto Vallarta, shows a continuing need to explore in art the iconic faces of Mexico’s  people and their history.  His rather small portraits of mensajeros, curanderos, astrologos, dance masks, clowns, interpret for us the features he finds developed by the lives and inherited mythical heritage of his countrymen.   He meticulously builds his own frames to showcase his unique visions.

The imaginative work of Antonio Farina, from Vera Cruz, is a first time exhibit in Puerto Vallarta for this artist.  His vibrant paintings with nostalgic hand-painted images based on his life and family on the other coast of Mexico contrast with an overlay of contemporary graphic shapes and symbols.  Influenced by his experience as an industrial designer, Antonio’s hand made frames make use of recycled wood and screen printing techniques using distressed silver and gold paint.  He is adventurous as an artist;  his interest in “recycling” grew while studying in Spain.

Ambos Galeria is located at Basilio Badillo 261, in Colonia Emiliano Zapata.


Wayne Franklin
Tropicasa Realty

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Aaron Fisher

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Sonora House

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