Birdwatching Routes Display New Signage in San Pancho

Alexis Velasco
Apr. 4, 2016

San Pancho, considered the cultural capital of Riviera Nayarit, now features a brand new ecotourism attraction thanks to the efforts of the San Pancho Bird Observatory, the Riviera Nayarit Convention and Visitors Bureau, and other organizations and businesses interested in conservation, which have collaborated in the new informational signage project of three birdwatching routes.

A general information sign was placed in the village’s main square, as well as additional signs along the observation routes Camino a las Minas, La Laguna and La Boquita. The signs include geographical information featuring images and a listing of the 40 most common species in the area. They also have a detailed route map and QR codes have been implemented to link Google maps and the website aVerAves.org, which allows folks to upload images of birds seen throughout Mexico.

“The birds are allowing us to create different programs aimed at local sustainability,” commented Luis Morales, Director of the San Pancho Bird Observatory.

Aside from San Pancho, Chacala is another town in Riviera Nayarit where this recreational activity is generating ecological awareness thanks to the programs set in place by the San Pancho Bird Observatory in collaboration with the Guayabitos Rotary Club and the International Rotary.

The San Pancho Bird Observatory is a non-profit organization promoting bird and habitat conservation by integrating education, community development and science at the local communities of the Banderas Bay region. For more information about them, please visit http://www.birdingsanpancho.net/ 



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