Carnival Panorama Cruise Ship Visits Puerto Vallarta

For the first time the maritimal terminal of Puerto Vallarta welcomed the Carnival Panorama, one of the biggest cruises of Carnival Cruises International, that started its inaugural journey throughout the Mexican Pacific.
This cruise ship, stopped over a night in the city, it has a length of 1056.43 ft and capacity to host 4,980 passengers. Besides, it has more than 1,400 staff on board. Among the destinations that it will visit are Los Cabos, Mazatlán, and Puerto Vallarta, places where it will return continuously before the end of the year.
Its arrival was last Wednesday December 4th 2019 and with it, the Admnistración Portuaria Integral (API) has held a total of 168 touristic international ships during the year. This magnificent frequency has positioned Puerto Vallarta in the first place of the Mexican Pacific with the highest cruise ship arrivals and in the second place of the whole West Coast, just behind Cabo San Lucas.