Considerations to Enjoy Easter in Puerto Vallarta

Some considerations must be taken into account in order to enjoy Easter in Puerto Vallarta.
Below, the Vallarta Lifestyles editorial team presents you an overview of the actions that will be carried out in our destination regarding the health contingency still persists.
First of all, it should be noted that Jalisco is in Yellow Light, so you can safely visit the Puerto Vallarta restaurants, bars, clubs and nightclubs.
Regarding restaurants, a reservation in advance must be made, since they can only operate at 50% of their capacity and must close at 11:00pm. Clubs can open from 11:00pm to 3:00am and their capacity must be 33%.
On the other hand, hotel occupancy should not exceed 66% and the beaches will be active from 5:00am to 5:00pm. Service providers have been instructed to have the necessary supplies to guarantee the well-being of the people.
Although shopping malls do not have time restrictions, they must operate at 50% of their capacity. That same capacity must be for cinemas, water parks and theaters. Cultural centers must receive one person for every 43 square feet in closed spaces and one person for every 21 square feet in open spaces.
Finally, events or activities causing crowd of people are still forbidden.
Jalisco authorities are being very cautious and demanding with sanitary regulations, so residents and visitors should use face mask, antibacterial gel and take healthy distance all time.