FCCA Will Visit Puerto Vallarta

Estefanía Montes
Jun. 26, 2019

Executives of the Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA), will get together with Constanza Suárez, director of Administración Portuaria Integral (API) of Puerto Vallarta to promote the arrival of more cruise ships at our destination.

The reunion is organized by the API Puerto Vallarta, together with the company Puerto Mágico, who will be in charge of presenting all the lovely elements that our city has to offer to its visitors.

The gathering will have the presence of Michele M. Paige, president of the FCCA; Sandra Weir, vice-president of Development of Destinations and Relations with the Government of the Norwegian Cruise Line; Carlos Estrada, director of commercial operations; and Hein Erasmus, senior manager of the Development of Product and Marketing of the Carnival Cruise Line.

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Jason Lavender
Director of the Pacific breaches

“Vallarta Lifestyles speaks for itself, it’s a good quality publication with great image, that’s why we have advertised since we started our business. Without any doubt, it is the most read magazine. Its articles and advertising are target to the audience we’re looking for. Vallarta Lifestyles has grown the same way Puerto Vallarta has.”
Andreas Rupprechter
Kaiser Maximilian

“Among other things, Vallarta Lifestyles stands out for its strong presence throughout our destination, from five stars hotels to brand new condominiums, where they finally find the type of clients that we look for. For all of us is very important to be in print media to strengthen our advertising strategy and this magazine is essential to achieve it.”
June Rosen Lopez
Galería June Rosen Lopez

“When I first opened my gallery in 1986, my relationship with Vallarta Lifestyles started for the need of people to know me and, because it is one of the very few quality publications in the destination, I decided to advertise in it. There are clients that still remember me for the magazine, with whom I have had several years of relationship.”