Flights Between Vallarta · Nayarit and US Increase

Jorge Chávez
Mar. 16, 2021

Flights between Vallarta · Nayarit and United States increase, since two destinations were added to the list: Santa Ana and Denver.

Southwest Airlines reopened the flight from Santa Ana, California, which generates good expectations for Vallarta · Nayarit in the coming spring break season.

In the other hand, the flight from Denver, Colorado, also returned as scheduled by the airline. Both air routes have daily flights to our destination.

With the reopening of flights from Santa Ana and Denver, Southwest Airlines already connects four United States destinations with Vallarta · Nayarit (the other two are Phoenix and Houston with daily operations).

According to Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico (GAP), during February 2021, the Puerto Vallarta International Airport received 1,390 flights.

During the first half of this month, 767 aircraft were scheduled to land, which will represent a growing trend in the air connectivity.

The state of California represents almost 50 percent of the international visitors who arrive in both Puerto Vallarta and Riviera Nayarit.

Photo: Southwest Airlines.

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Leonardo Uribe
General manager

“We started to advertise 7 or 8 years ago and certainly it has helped us position our brand. Now that we have improved a lot in quality, processes and finished products, our marketing in the magazine is precisely to strengthen the leadership we have earned through the 13 years in the area. I also think that we also have grown with the advertisement and that it has been done and it has helped us get to where we are now.”
Andreas Rupprechter
Kaiser Maximilian

“Among other things, Vallarta Lifestyles stands out for its strong presence throughout our destination, from five stars hotels to brand new condominiums, where they finally find the type of clients that we look for. For all of us is very important to be in print media to strengthen our advertising strategy and this magazine is essential to achieve it.”
Evangelina Sánchez
The River Café

“Advertising in Vallarta Lifestyles is an easy and direct way to reach all of the visitors and new residents that arrive to the destination. Of the 30 years that the magazine has been in circulation, we have been advertising for 23 years and without any doubt, it has been worthy for the big positioning that we have achieved. Besides, the quality of contents its unique in this area.”