Fourth Anniversary of The Jazz Foundation

Estefanía Montes
Jun. 18, 2019

Next Saturday, June 22nd 2019, The Jazz Foundation will be celebrating its fourth anniversary to the rhythm of the music.

This jazz club, located at Allende # 116, Centro; will open its doors at 8:00pm to start the celebration which will feature a good variety of interpreters of this musical genre, such as Isabel Zuleta Ensemble, Lariferpol, Wild Panini Band, Smoke Rings Quartet, among others, who will delight the guests with their sublime performances.

The Jazz Foundation was born on June 12th 2015, with the purpose of creating a space where residents and visitors could generate social connections via cultural exchanges through music and art, as well as through the gastronomical offer.

According to the organizers, the event’s capacity is limited, and the ticket price is $400 pesos; however, they can be acquired for $350 pesos during the presale phase. For more information, visit their official Facebook site.

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Sandra Rojas
Sonora House

“One of the biggest benefits of advertising our business in Vallarta Lifestyles is the presence of our brand aimed to the audience we are looking for. It is a reliable and professional magazine that has helped us with the marketing of our restaurant several times, through well done photography or articles. We feel that we understand each other.”
Eduardo González

“Vallarta Lifestyles is really well positioned. We are aware of that because we have seen people who arrive to our jewelry with the issue or the advertising in hand asking about the product that is featured there. This dynamic is really interesting for us and makes us glad.”
Ulf Henriksson
Chef and partner
Vitea Oceanfront Bistro

“Since its beginnings and until today, the quality in photography and editorial design of Vallarta Lifestyles is unrivaled, because there’s nothing similar in this region of Mexico. Besides, to the foreign community that visit us, this magazine is essential if they want to know what’s new and what’s going on in our destination.”