Hidden Beach at Islas Marietas, Among the World’s Best Beaches

Jorge Chávez
Nov. 30, 2017

Located west of Puerto Vallarta, close to Punta de Mita, Playa del Amor –also known as the Hidden Beach of Marietas Islands– is one of those magical spots in Vallarta · Nayarit everyone keeps talking about, making headlines in every travel magazine across the world.

Now it’s the renown Canadian website FlightNetwork who placed the Hidden Beach in Marietas Islands 9th among the World’s 50 Best Beaches, a list that includes “the world’s hottest beaches ranked by the globe’s top travel professionals”.

According to FlightNetwork, “Mexico’s Hidden Beach, is undeniably one of the most interesting beaches in the world. Despite the hole’s not-so-natural creation, the result is one of the most awe-inspiring stretches of sand in the world. With only a few visitors allowed on the beach at one time, you will get to experience the lush beauty and exquisite scenery in an intimate setting hidden from the world”.

Based on the aforementioned list, Forbes Magazine picked their 6 Getaways Millennials Will Love, “six beaches that will crush it on your social media feed”, where the Hidden Beach ranked 3rd.


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