International Encounter of Field Recording in Puerto Vallarta

Estefanía Montes
May. 31, 2019

From June the 9th to June the 22nd 2019 Puerto Vallarta will host the International Encounter of Field Recording (EIGC in Spanish), the topic will be Sound Preservation.

Since its foundation in 2012 in Guadalajara, and in association with Sociacusia and Laboratorio Sensorial, the EIGC’s has the purpose to create awareness about topics such as the registration of natural landscapes through field recording.

Thanks to its rich natural diversity, Puerto Vallarta was selected for this edition, where artists, academics and students from Centro Universitario de la Costa (CUCosta) of Universidad de Guadalajara, will participate in multiple tasks at the Estero El Salado.

Besides, the event will have the participation of different artists including: Andrés Aguilar, Florencia Guillén, Gerardo Martínez, Raymundo Macedo, Tania Rubio, Tito Rivas and Yair López, who will share their knowledge trough lectures and activities, to create a reflexive environment about the Estero El Salado soundscape.


June 9th – 15th – Residence. Abraham Reyes, Florencia Guillén, Gerardo Martínez, Raymundo Macedo y Yair López.

June the 12th– 6:00pm

Lecture: Estero El Salado.

Lecture hall at Centro Cultural Cuale.

Participant: Biologist Jaime Torres.

June the 13th – 6:00pm


Lecture hall at Centro Cultural Cuale.

Participants: Florencia Guillén, Gerardo Martínez y Raymundo Macedo.

June the 14th – 9:00am a 12:00pm

Workshop “La Escuela de La Escucha”

17 de Febrero Elementary School.

By: Raymundo Macedo.

June 16th – 22nd – Residence. Abraham Reyes, Andrés Aguilar, Tania Rubio y Tito Rivas.

June the 19th – 6:00pm

Lecture: “Arte como Investigación y Rescate”

Centro Universitario Arkos.

Participants: Andrés Aguilar, Tania Rubio y Tito Rivas.

June the 20th – 12:00pm – 6:00pm

Instalación de Islas Resonantes.

Lecture hall at Centro Cultural Cuale.

June the 20th – 6:00pm


Lecture hall at Centro Cultural Cuale.

Participants: Andrés Aguilar, Tania Rubio y Tito Rivas.

For more information, visit their website or Facebook page.

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