Malecon Lighting Improvement Project Announced

Jorge Chávez
Mar. 30, 2016
Tourists enjoy strolling along the Malecon, admiring the public sculpture collection.

Tourists enjoy strolling along the Malecon, admiring the public sculpture collection.

Jalisco’s Secretary of Tourism recently announced that a new artistic illumination project along Puerto Vallarta’s Malecon—from the dolphin fountain to the Rio Cuale pedestrian bridge—will fall into place within the next three months. Presently, the state tourism office is requesting bids from specialized construction companies. Once a company is chosen, it is expected that the project will come to fruition during the summer months. In addition, it was announced that public lighting for City Hall, the Church of Guadalupe and other important El Centro structures will also be overhauled this summer.

Puerto Vallarta’s scenic Malecon is one of the most popular tourist destinations in town, with visitors and locals flocking to it at all hours of the day to enjoy the ocean view or the impressive public sculptures that have been installed in it. Shops, restaurants and nightclubs complement the experience, should you wish to enjoy a beverage or meal while you enjoy the sunset. Early in the day and on weekends, many cyclists take advantage of the dedicated bicycle lane, along with joggers and folks simply enjoying a leisurely walk.


Jason Lavender
Director of the Pacific breaches

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Roberto Castellanos
Novamar Insurance Mexico

"Since we started the company we have advertised in Vallarta Lifestyles, a publication that is considered ‘Puerto Vallarta’s Magazine’ by the quality of its images, content and staff, unique characteristics that encouraged us to say: ‘We have to be in Vallarta Lifestyles’. We know that this magazine is a reference for the target market that we are looking for and we know that being there gives us prestige.”
Aaron Fisher

“Without doubt, Vallarta Lifestyles is the best positioned Magazine in the region. Its solid presence keeps a strong and always fresh vision about the destination, as well as activities. Besides, I consider it a great intellectual contribution for the well written articles that are in each issue.”