Mayo Fest 2017 Celebrates Puerto Vallarta’s Anniversary

Jorge Chávez
May. 23, 2017

During May, Puerto Vallarta commemorates 99 years as a municipality and 49 years as a city. In celebration of the anniversary, Puerto Vallarta will host Mayo Fest 2017, an annual event that includes cultural, artistic and sports events for locals and tourists alike.

This year, some of the concerts scheduled at el Faro del Malecon include some renowned names like the troubadour Fernando Delgadillo, pop bands like Jenny and the Mexicats or Matisse, as well as Celso Piña who will host the closing event. Attendees can also enjoy some other regional, symphonic and rock concerts at the Malecon in Puerto Vallarta.

Some sports events will be also held during the festival: Copa Vallarta de Aguas Abiertas, an open water swimming qualifier tournament for the Budapest 2017 World Championship. Besides this, other sports events, cultural meetings and exhibitions will be held.

See the full Mayo Fest 2017 program on the image below or visit puertovallarta.gob.mx.


MayoFest 2017 Programa
