Puerto Vallarta: A Favorite Destination for the LGTB Community

Estefanía Montes
Jul. 1, 2019

The International LGTBQ+ Travel Association has given Puerto Vallarta the first place among Mexican cities considered as the friendliest touristic options for the LGTB community.

Puerto Vallarta has consolidated as one of the preferred destinations for this community, thanks to the kindness of its residents, as well as its multiple exclusive places available for the community such as restaurants, night clubs, beach clubs, hotels and bars located at the vibrant Romantic Zone.

Another attraction of our city for the LGTB community is the Vallarta Pride, an annual festival that gathers thousands of visitors during the month of May, because it offers an interesting list of leisure activities that celebrates the diversity with pride.

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Leonardo Uribe
General manager

“We started to advertise 7 or 8 years ago and certainly it has helped us position our brand. Now that we have improved a lot in quality, processes and finished products, our marketing in the magazine is precisely to strengthen the leadership we have earned through the 13 years in the area. I also think that we also have grown with the advertisement and that it has been done and it has helped us get to where we are now.”
Andreas Rupprechter
Kaiser Maximilian

“Among other things, Vallarta Lifestyles stands out for its strong presence throughout our destination, from five stars hotels to brand new condominiums, where they finally find the type of clients that we look for. For all of us is very important to be in print media to strengthen our advertising strategy and this magazine is essential to achieve it.”
Carl Timothy
Timothy Real Estate Group

“We have been clients of Vallarta Lifestyles since 1999, the year in which we arrived to this destination. Back then, it was the only publication where you could really do local marketing. These days, in spite of the arrival of new technologies, we keep advertising, because it is a really important complement for our marketing strategy.”