Puerto Vallarta Among the 10 Best Mexican Destinations

Estefanía Montes
Jul. 26, 2019

Recently, TripAdvisor has revealed the top 10 places considered the Best Destinations in Mexico, where Puerto Vallarta has been awarded with the 4th position.

Thanks to the good experiences shared by several travelers, regarding to the quality of services, gastronomy and infrastructure, Puerto Vallarta has achieved the 4th place as best Mexican Destination.

Here you will find the nominees’ divided in categories such as best hotels, restaurants and representative icons of the destination.








The Traveler’s Choice Awards are determined by client testimonials, the more than 40 million people that use this platform to share their experiences.


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Sandra Rojas
Sonora House

“One of the biggest benefits of advertising our business in Vallarta Lifestyles is the presence of our brand aimed to the audience we are looking for. It is a reliable and professional magazine that has helped us with the marketing of our restaurant several times, through well done photography or articles. We feel that we understand each other.”
Evangelina Sánchez
The River Café

“Advertising in Vallarta Lifestyles is an easy and direct way to reach all of the visitors and new residents that arrive to the destination. Of the 30 years that the magazine has been in circulation, we have been advertising for 23 years and without any doubt, it has been worthy for the big positioning that we have achieved. Besides, the quality of contents its unique in this area.”
Rodolfo Choperena
Galería Contempo

“We started advertising in Vallarta Lifestyles because we really liked the quality. Actually, it is still the best magazine of Puerto Vallarta, because of its spectacular articles and photos. Thanks to its distribution points at famous hotels, it is the ideal publication to reach the clients we are looking for.”