Puerto Vallarta Sets Foreign Visitors Arrivals Record

Jorge Chávez
Sep. 26, 2022

Undoubtedly, Puerto Vallarta has been getting a lot of attention from international visitors—especially Americans—this 2022. Our destination has recently been breaking records in passenger arrivals.

Miguel Torruco, secretary of Tourism in Mexico, shared the most recent data for hotel occupancy in the country: “For week 37 of 2022 (September 12th to 18th), the three tourist destinations with the highest occupancy level are Cancún (72.4 percent), Los Cabos (59.9 percent) and Puerto Vallarta (57.3 percent).”

During the summer, these destinations have been the top destinations. A few months ago, Puerto Vallarta was in second place with 71.2 percent of hotel occupancy (surpassing by far the country’s average—57.8 percent—and breaking records for the past few years).

The popularity of Puerto Vallarta keeps growing. In July 2022, the airport hit a record and received 140,150 passengers—30 percent more than the previous year and 37 percent more than 2019—and the main visitors are from United States and Canada.

Luis Villaseñor, director of the Puerto Vallarta Tourism Board, shared that Americans just love the city: “The United States accounts for more than three-quarters of international visitors, and just over one-quarter come from California. Los Angeles is the city that carries the most passengers, followed by San Francisco and then Chicago.”

Currently, Puerto Vallarta is home to around 30,000 Americans and Canadians.

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Moray Applegate
Applegate Realtors

“Vallarta Lifestyles is the number one magazine of its type in Vallarta · Nayarit. We were the first ones to advertise, because we saw it as an ideal platform to show our properties. The result? For a long time it has generated an extraordinary quantity of clients. Now in addition to that, it contributes to the positioning of our brand.”
Sandra Rojas
Sonora House

“One of the biggest benefits of advertising our business in Vallarta Lifestyles is the presence of our brand aimed to the audience we are looking for. It is a reliable and professional magazine that has helped us with the marketing of our restaurant several times, through well done photography or articles. We feel that we understand each other.”
Aaron Fisher

“Without doubt, Vallarta Lifestyles is the best positioned Magazine in the region. Its solid presence keeps a strong and always fresh vision about the destination, as well as activities. Besides, I consider it a great intellectual contribution for the well written articles that are in each issue.”