PV: The Most Visited Destination in Mexico

Jorge Chávez
Apr. 26, 2023

According to the Secretaría de Turismo de Jalisco, during Holy Week and Easter, Puerto Vallarta became the destination with the highest hotel occupancy in the country.

In this way, from April 3rd to 16th, 2023, our destination registered an 86 percent of hotel occupancy, which represents an increase of 4 and 6 percent over 2022 and 2019, respectively.

Vanessa Pérez, secretary of Turismo de Jalisco, commented: “We are very satisfied with the results obtained in Puerto Vallarta. This is no coincidence, as it is related to the tourism promotion strategy that has been carried out. Another great advantage is that, thanks to the wide variety of activities and leisure, Puerto Vallarta is a destination that cannot be covered in a single visit.”

During Holy Week and Easter, Puerto Vallarta had more than 287,000 visitors and reached 1.6 billion pesos in economic revenue, which represents an increase of 17.8 percent compared to 2019 (prior to the health contingency).

During the next two long weekends in May, the Secretaría de Turismo Federal forecasts that Puerto Vallarta will be the nationwide destination leading the hotel occupancy.


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June Rosen Lopez
Galería June Rosen Lopez

“When I first opened my gallery in 1986, my relationship with Vallarta Lifestyles started for the need of people to know me and, because it is one of the very few quality publications in the destination, I decided to advertise in it. There are clients that still remember me for the magazine, with whom I have had several years of relationship.”
Ulf Henriksson
Chef and partner
Vitea Oceanfront Bistro

“Since its beginnings and until today, the quality in photography and editorial design of Vallarta Lifestyles is unrivaled, because there’s nothing similar in this region of Mexico. Besides, to the foreign community that visit us, this magazine is essential if they want to know what’s new and what’s going on in our destination.”
Benigno Ibarra
Founder and owner
Mundo de Azulejos

“Advertising in Vallarta Lifestyles has been one of the best decisions we have made for the benefit of our business, because it has always helped us reach our prospects accurately. The magazine’s distribution throughout the destination is unique and strategic, as it reaches readers who are the type of clients we are looking for.”