River of Arte 2017 – Entertainment, Art Exhibition & Sale in Puerto Vallarta

Jorge Chávez
Nov. 27, 2017

River of Arte 2017, an art event consisting of the exhibition of the works by Puerto Vallarta’s 60 most talented artists, as well as silent auctions and live entertainment, will be held on Sunday, December 10, at La Cuiza on La Isla Cuale, next to Restaurante Oscar’s, starting at 12:00pm until 5:00pm.

Twenty percent of proceeds from event sales will benefit LADRA (Las Ánimas Dog Rescue Association); DIVAC (Handicap Services of Vallarta) and the Ballet Folklórico Infantil del Jorullo.

The large painting used in the promotional poster, created by local artist Quetzal Cocoatl, was donated by the artist to be silent auctioned to raise more funds. Event sponsor Casa Karma Boutique Resort has donated a week’s luxury accommodations at the resort.

River of Arte 2017 in Puerto Vallarta will be enlivened with live entertainment by Brittany Kingery, a tropical folk rock singer and Ballet Folklórico Infantil Del Jorullo, a traditional local dance troupe.

Admission is free.  Anyone interested in more information, volunteering, or donating to the River of Arte 2017 should contact Carolina Archer at moc.o1722044503ohay@1722044503anilo1722044503racdo1722044503ogeno1722044503ggod1722044503.




Roberto Castellanos
Novamar Insurance Mexico

"Since we started the company we have advertised in Vallarta Lifestyles, a publication that is considered ‘Puerto Vallarta’s Magazine’ by the quality of its images, content and staff, unique characteristics that encouraged us to say: ‘We have to be in Vallarta Lifestyles’. We know that this magazine is a reference for the target market that we are looking for and we know that being there gives us prestige.”
Leonardo Uribe
General manager

“We started to advertise 7 or 8 years ago and certainly it has helped us position our brand. Now that we have improved a lot in quality, processes and finished products, our marketing in the magazine is precisely to strengthen the leadership we have earned through the 13 years in the area. I also think that we also have grown with the advertisement and that it has been done and it has helped us get to where we are now.”
Ulf Henriksson
Chef and partner
Vitea Oceanfront Bistro

“Since its beginnings and until today, the quality in photography and editorial design of Vallarta Lifestyles is unrivaled, because there’s nothing similar in this region of Mexico. Besides, to the foreign community that visit us, this magazine is essential if they want to know what’s new and what’s going on in our destination.”