Save the date for the second Down Puerto Vallarta

Alexis Velasco
Apr. 17, 2018

Thanks to the public’s excellent response to the first edition of Down Puerto Vallarta, local authorities have confirmed its second edition, to take place in downtown Puerto Vallarta (along Aldama street) on Sunday, May 13, starting at 4:30pm. The urban downhill biking competition will gather some of the best professional riders of the world and promises to be an exciting opportunity to see impressive bike tricks, jumps, acrobatics, aerial turns and high speeds.

According to organizers, last year nearly 30 thousand people attended the event. The winners in the Best Trick and Speed & Style categories were Frenchman Antoine Bizet and Czechoslovakian cyclist Tomas Slavik, respectively.

For more information, visit the event’s official Facebook page.


Cyndi Alpenia
Archie’s Wok

“In a meeting that we had with the magazine’s founder, he told us about his dream of making a quality and luxury publication because he was convinced that Puerto Vallarta needed that. For that reason, we have advertised in Vallarta Lifestyles since its beginnings. These days, our brand is very well positioned thanks to the strategic distribution of the magazine, as it helps us reach more potential customers which is a great benefit for us.”
Silvia Elias
PV Realty

“We have a close relationship with Vallarta Lifestyles. Since it beginnings, it has been the most important media for the touristic promotion of our destination. Its content has always been excellent, due to the quality of its articles and spectacular photos. For the type of readers that it reaches, this the ideal publication to advertise our listings.”
Rodolfo Choperena
Galería Contempo

“We started advertising in Vallarta Lifestyles because we really liked the quality. Actually, it is still the best magazine of Puerto Vallarta, because of its spectacular articles and photos. Thanks to its distribution points at famous hotels, it is the ideal publication to reach the clients we are looking for.”