The Beer Festival Is Back to Puerto Vallarta!

Estefanía Montes
Nov. 14, 2018

Thanks to its success last year, the Festival de la Cerveza will be back in Puerto Vallarta, this second edition to be held November 17 and 18 at the Instituto Vallartense de Cultura, located on the Rio Cuale Island. Entrance will be free of charge.

The beer festival will feature 13 breweries, from Puerto Vallarta, Bucerías, Sayulita, Guadalajara, Autlán and Canada. Attend and find out about more than 89 styles and varieties of the highest quality craft beer.

Among the local brands will be Cervecería Los Cuentos, Los Muertos Brewing, Yambak (Sayulita), Río Ameca and Buclas (Bucerías).

Also, enjoy the food area, where there will be tacos, ceviches, aguachiles, artisanal ice creams and flavored waters, as well as live music, with bands playing throughout the day to set the mood for the event.

As special guests, the director of Brewery Du Mouline and his brew master, from the Festival Octenbulle de Boucheville in Montreal, Canada, will attend the festival.


Learn more about the Festival de la Cerveza at facebook.com/brewmasterspv.

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Eduardo González

“Vallarta Lifestyles is really well positioned. We are aware of that because we have seen people who arrive to our jewelry with the issue or the advertising in hand asking about the product that is featured there. This dynamic is really interesting for us and makes us glad.”
Bernhard Güth
Chef and partner

“Vallarta Lifestyles, from its inception has been a quality reference. In some way, it has managed to consolidate the destination because all our restaurants where there and we communicate as an exchange platform. The benefit, besides advertisement and recommendation, is that this publication is a solid copy of Puerto Vallarta’s evolution. If you pick up an old issue, immediately you’ll recall precious memories.”
Christina Rathke
General manager
Faith Colectiva

“Vallarta Lifestyles has helped us a lot to position our business, the fact that people see us in the magazine has contributed their coming back to Faith Colectiva. Actually, we have measured the reach of our advertising by offering a free gift and it is unbelievable to see them coming with the issue.”