“Transforma tu casa y tu vida” workshop

Estefanía Montes
May. 30, 2019

On June the 15th 2019, the workshop “Transforma tu Casa y tu Vida” will take place, created by Transformare Studio.

This workshop will start at 10:00am at Natureza Cowork (Mérida 75-D, Versalles), where Transformare Studio will provide some material, talks, advice, and organization techniques so organizing becomes an easier duty.

The purpose of this workshop is to help all those who wish to transform their life and home, and turn it into a more organized environment. Thus, the topics of the day will be:

  • Benefits of being organized
  • Emotional attachment and detachment
  • Methods of organization
  • Clothes folding class
  • Space maintenance guides

Dedicated to the wellness and satisfaction, Transformare Studio is a company that offers services of professional organization, pre-move, post move and long-term programs.

Spaces are limited for this workshop.

For more information about prices and availability send an e-mail to  moc.l1722071029iamg@1722071029oidut1722071029seram1722071029rofsn1722071029art1722071029 or check their social media.

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Sandra Rojas
Sonora House

“One of the biggest benefits of advertising our business in Vallarta Lifestyles is the presence of our brand aimed to the audience we are looking for. It is a reliable and professional magazine that has helped us with the marketing of our restaurant several times, through well done photography or articles. We feel that we understand each other.”
Andreas Rupprechter
Kaiser Maximilian

“Among other things, Vallarta Lifestyles stands out for its strong presence throughout our destination, from five stars hotels to brand new condominiums, where they finally find the type of clients that we look for. For all of us is very important to be in print media to strengthen our advertising strategy and this magazine is essential to achieve it.”
Christina Rathke
General manager
Faith Colectiva

“Vallarta Lifestyles has helped us a lot to position our business, the fact that people see us in the magazine has contributed their coming back to Faith Colectiva. Actually, we have measured the reach of our advertising by offering a free gift and it is unbelievable to see them coming with the issue.”