Humpback Whales Arrive in Puerto Vallarta and Riviera Nayarit

Jorge Chávez
Dec. 21, 2017

Like every year, around this time, the Whale Watching Season arrives in Puerto Vallarta and Riviera Nayarit, starting on December 8 until March 23. During this season, whales leave the Arctic to visit places like Los Cabos and Banderas Bay, looking for a place to reproduce and stay for a while. In the meantime, visitors have a front row seat to one of the most impressive natural spectacles.

Among other visiting species, the most outstanding is the Humpback Whale, considered the fifth largest in the world –thanks to its length between 12 and 19 meters– and a weight between 30 and 40 ton. Each year, between 300 and 500 Humpback Whales are registered around the Banderas Bay.

One of the best ways to watch the beautiful whales is with a professional tour, in which you can observe whales jumping and flipping, and even hear their sounds, which is a moving experience. There are numerous places to take these tours along the Bay of Banderas, starting with Puerto Vallarta and reaching Punta de Mita, also beyond the bay in places like Sayulita and Rincon de Guayabitos.

If you are looking for a company specialized in Whale Watching tours, look for one with an official permit from the Semarnat (The Mexican Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources). Some of the companies in which you can book one of these tours are Ecotours de México, Vallarta Adventures or Punta Mita Expeditions, among others.


Sandra Rojas
Sonora House

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June Rosen Lopez
Galería June Rosen Lopez

“When I first opened my gallery in 1986, my relationship with Vallarta Lifestyles started for the need of people to know me and, because it is one of the very few quality publications in the destination, I decided to advertise in it. There are clients that still remember me for the magazine, with whom I have had several years of relationship.”
Aaron Fisher

“Without doubt, Vallarta Lifestyles is the best positioned Magazine in the region. Its solid presence keeps a strong and always fresh vision about the destination, as well as activities. Besides, I consider it a great intellectual contribution for the well written articles that are in each issue.”